Cedar Waxwings

From our March 2014 issue

By Gladi McMurtry – Saskatoon, Sask.

It is thirty-three below zero and yet
The cedar waxwings have invaded the yard
Berries to be stripped from the leafless trees
To be supped on, sipped on
And perhaps even to get drunk on.

A glorious sight on an otherwise lazy day
Too cold to go for a walk with my dog and yet
The sun is magnificently bright and sky is blue
Sparrows appear to be stunned
Only to wonder what is going on.

This old tree of mine is a gourmet treat
Each year, by memory or not, they come to dine
Flying from branch to branch and then occa- sionally
Getting moisture from the snow To cleanse their palates.

They are in such a hurry to get their fill that
In their haste, they waste and many drop to the ground
Which eventually find their way into the soles of my shoes
Leaving red streaks on my rug If I forget to wipe my shoes.

Nevertheless, it reminds me that spring is near
Soon leaves will appear to make the winter tree full
Knowing that once again other birds will make nests in it
Gives me a sense of pleasure Another season of change.