
So much happened at the kitchen table

By Agnes York – Saskatoon, Sask. While having a dishwasher is considered standard equipment in kitchens these days, the house I grew up didn’t even have a kitchen sink! We didn’t have indoor plumbing at all. [more…]


The piano sailed up and into the loft

By Elva Paton – Moose Jaw, Sask. The 1910s and early ‘20s had good crop conditions. Dad thought he was in good enough financial shape to build some new buildings. He’d always said that a [more…]


WWII service took Canadian all over Europe

By Cecil Moffatt – Regina, Sask. After two years in the reserve army unit, I stepped forward and volunteered for active duty on July 10, 1941. A full medical and service registration came next. I was issued [more…]


Our nearly impossible winter chore

By Art Sander – Hilbre, Man. Have you ever had to do something that was nearly impossible? In my case, I am referring to the winter of 1955-56. It started snowing Oct. 8, 1955, and [more…]


Heavenly smell fill the air at Christmas

By Gladys Ridley – Edmonton, Alta. With Christmas just around the corner, I think back to my childhood and the Christmases spent growing up on a farm near Dunstable, Alta. My loving parents made Christmas [more…]


Fall snowstorms had dust in them

By Hilda Hass – Saskatoon, Sask. One storm I remember was in January 1946. It snowed and blew for three days. We were expecting our first baby and I had a doctor’s appointment in Saskatoon. We [more…]


Store choir delighted all listeners

By Gladys Simpson – Rapid City, Man. In the early 1950s, I went to work at the Hudson’s Bay store in Winnipeg, Man. That fall, one of my co-workers asked if I would like to sing [more…]


We went by way of closed-in sleigh

By Gladys McCarthy – Tisdale, Sask. I really enjoy The Senior Paper! Many of the stories remind me of life as it was years ago. One such story was from a reader who did not like [more…]