
Family farmers fond of Ford

By Art Klassen – Portage la Prairie, Man. A photo of a Fordson tractor in The Senior Paper reminded me of our Fordson tractors. In the early 1920s, my parents were living with their parents [continue…]


A collection plate predicament!

By Ilien Coffey – Vernon, B.C. I hurried down from my second floor apartment to catch the bus to get to Sunday church about a mile away. I was wearing my brand new shoes with stiletto [continue…]


Dusty old game finds new life

By Hilda Zaiser – Winnipeg, Man. During a fleeting moment of ambition, I decided to create some order in my messy storage room. As I was tidying the shelves, I came across my old Scrabble game. Although [continue…]


Kids were designated wartime smugglers

By Mickey (Larson) Lightfoot – Mississauga, Ont. My early years were spent in a tiny village called Northgate, south of Oxbow, Sask., on the border of North Dakota. A bigger town, also named Northgate, was [continue…]


Dozing chap woke up going where?!

By John Moyles – Regina, Sask. Air travel in the 1950s was much different than it is today. Aircraft were smaller, passenger numbers were less, and there was still a feeling of adventure and novelty in [continue…]


Will Christmas cards be a thing of the past?

By Hilda Zaiser – Winnipeg, Man. Over the last few years, I’ve noticed a definite decline in the sending of Christmas cards. Many people have stopped sending cards altogether. Some prefer email. That’s understandable considering it’s [continue…]


Not all her Christmases were happy

By Maisie Burton – Kipling, Sask. Christmas always brings back memories of when I was a child growing up on the farm with my mother, dad, and several brothers and sisters. Preparation for Christmas always [continue…]


Most special evening was January 6th

By Naden Hewko – Macklin, Sask. We knew Christmas was coming when the teacher at our Paynton, Sask., school started to prepare us for the annual concert. The brick school had four classrooms, two on the [continue…]


Train crew caught in massive snowstorm

By George Rose – Calgary, Alta. Six months after joining the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) at Medicine Hat as a wiper cleaning train engines, I was a student fireman travelling from there to Swift Current, [continue…]