Brother was a big Slim Wilson fan

From our March 2012 issue

By Gerald Erickson – Sundre, Alta.

My dad and mother homesteaded north of Big River, Sask., in the spring of 1932. There were 11 children then, which increased to 15 by 1940. There were eight boys and seven girls.

My second oldest brother, Jim, went out to work in the fall of 1937. When he returned home, he brought with him a secondhand radio purchased with some of his earnings. Many times, the whole family gathered around the radio and listened to Slim Wilson sing his favourite songs.

My brother, Jim, who now is 89 and in Ontario, became such a fan of Slim Wilson that my dad wrote a song about him and Slim. The words of the song have been in our family ever since and whenever we have a family get-together my brother, Larry, and I sing the Slim Wilson song for the family.

I’d like to share the words of that song with everyone. It is sung to the same tune as ‘The Strawberry Roan’.

Jimmy, oh, Jimmy get out of your bed
Slim Wilson is leading his bronc from the shed
I opened one eye and there you suppose
My mother was smiling and tickling my toes

I jumped out of bed and I land in my pants
And at the old ticker I took a quick glance
It was 15 past 8, what a glorious morn
I’m certainly happy and glad I was born

To listen to Slim was a wonderful treat
To ride and to rope, he was sure hard to beat
The announcer himself was a jolly old chap
And at the old tin can he beats a few raps

He turns to the door and says “Dynamite ear”
Now doggone it folks, just look who is here
Slim Wilson our cowboy a song for us sing
He plays the guitar and his music takes swing
He soars up on high, and leaves it up there
Slim Wilson our cowboy is now on the air.

I hope the people who remember slim Wilson will get a few chuckles from the song.

1 Comment

  1. Hello
    I stumbled across this post.
    Slim is my grampa.
    I named my 1st born after him, Wilson!
    I LOVE the song your dad that wrote.

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