By Janet Reitmeier – Red Deer, Alta.
Mom and dad moved the family from Apple Hill, Ont. to St. Brieux, Sask. in 1946. It was quite a change going from a dairy farm, where dad raised Holstein cattle, to a small farm in Saskatchewan.
We were now a family of eight. Vivian was the oldest girl and she was a big help to mom. At that time she was 11 years old.
Mom had to bake bread every day, and one day, she had some flour but not enough, so she had Vivian watch the children while she went to town. Vivian decided she’d surprise mom and try her hand at making bread.
She must have used an awful lot of yeast and when she realized she didn’t have enough flour, she was afraid she’d get into trouble, so she dumped it in the outhouse, which my dad was to move the next day to a new hole.
The next day was a very hot day and dad went out to move the outhouse. He was shocked when he found this big white globe facing him. He called for mom and she knew immediately what it was. They had a laugh out of it all.
Vivian has baked many a loaf of bread since then, but has never forgot that first batch!
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