Fascinated and amused by lovely decor

From our March 2013 issue

By Sylvia Williams – Summerland, B.C.

There were many homesteaders from Europe living in eastern Alberta. When they left their homes in the old country, they probably didn’t realize that living in a rural area in Canada would be very different.

One couple who came, I think from Scotland, seemed determined to have the same type of home they left, so they brought all of their beautiful furnishings, fine china, and silverware. As well, they had built a very nice house north of Ashmont, Alta.. It was much more extravagant than the average homesteads of the time.

My parents befriended a number of these people who found life very lonely and strange. One time my mother took me and my sister to visit Mrs. Keilor. We were fascinated and also a bit amused by the lovely decor in that two-storey house.

Mrs. Keilor had a dumbwaiter installed so she cooked our lunch in the kitchen area on the main floor. She then quickly came up the stairs and, while removing her apron, opened a door and there was our food on the dumbwaiter. We were amazed!

Mrs. Keilor and mom became good friends and when we moved away from that area she gave mother a complete set of dishes. There were 18 plates all painted with a different flower. I still have seven of them.  Recollections of Mrs. Keilor and her generosity and kindness I cannot forget.

Two of the unique plates given as a gift.