By Liz Wilson – Calgary, Alta.
“Would you like to walk with us?” These were the first words I heard on the University of Alberta campus as I started first-year Education in the fall of 1952. They came from two girls in front of me. All of us were on the long trek up to the Arts building. This is how I came to know Arlene and Clarice.
Soon all of us first-year students, 83 girls and 27 boys, knew each other. We participated in classes, sports, and social activities. We spent two years together before going our various ways. The spirit of friendliness always prevailed throughout the years as we travelled many differing academic and vocational paths.
The girls living in Edmonton often got together for monthly lunches. Time transpired and many life-changing events took place in our lives, but the threads of contact continued to be maintained. Yearly reunions were organized as the passing years became significant in number. About 25 girls returned and celebrated our 50th and 55th anniversaries.
Our 60th was a big event held in Edmonton, with the Faculty of Education sponsoring a lovely lunch on a fine day overlooking the river valley. Each girl was presented with a beautifully bound, hardcover book. The books contained a page devoted to each girl, pages of photos and clips from the years we attended the University of Alberta, and a commemorative page for those who had passed.
Friendships commemorated
The tradition of celebration continued and saw the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate our friendships of 63 years!
Desirée Kendrick, the Faculty of Education’s director of alumni relations, made the arrangements for the plaque and an afternoon tea held in August, 2015 in Edmonton. Interim Dean, Dr. Randy Wimmer, presented a plaque dedicated to The Girls of ‘52.
The plaque is situated on the wall of the Student’s Lounge in the North Education Building. It consists of two parts: a written page telling the girls’ story on the right-hand side; and a composition of four photos of groups taken in the early years, on the left.
Along with families, relatives, and friends, 15 girls were back for this event. Because a special invitation was issued, four boys and their families were there as well. It was a very rewarding and emotional time for everyone. Almost as exciting as beginning school back in 1952!
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